
Welcome to the API Reference. From here, you can check out our code samples, view the fingerprint order required for advanced authentication, and navigate through all available endpoints.

To find the endpoint you're looking for, choose the object you want to search for or manipulate from the menu on the left (e.g. Lists), then the action you'd like to perform (e.g. Search lists).

Each page contains all the information you need to integrate with that endpoint:

  1. The method (e.g. GET) and the full URL (e.g. required to make the request.
  2. The list of recently made requests using the 'Try It!' feature (see point 8 below).
  3. The list of query/body/header parameters available for the request, along with their data type and values.
  4. Some sample responses that could be returned when making the request.
  5. The option to switch between 20+ different languages to automatically generate a sample code so you can perform the request in your preferred language.
  6. The authorization header required to authenticate your request (see the standard authentication section for more information).
  7. The full URL (e.g. required to make the request. You can switch between the production and sandbox servers from the "Base URL" dropdown.
  8. A sample code in the language of your choice (see point 5 above). For certain languages you can also switch between different libraries. You can copy and paste the code to your local IDE or make a request directly from this Business API Portal by clicking on the 'Try It!' button. (Note: Make sure all mandatory fields, including the standard and advanced authentication headers, are filled out before proceeding with the request).
  9. The response returned by using the 'Try It!' feature.